TOP: June 2016 // Nikon D700, Nikkor 400 f/4
ABOVE: January 2023 // Nikon D700, Nikkor 35 f/2

An ember of interest in shooting burned in 2016 on the eve of a family reunion trip to Colorado. I thought a change of scenery would respark faded desire to make images. I rented a fun lens I never could afford to buy—a Nikkor 400 f/4—and embraced the challenge of a longer focal length.
The excitement didn't follow me home.
I edited one image when I returned and hardly remember browsing the rest of the flash card. I thought the derailment was permanent.
I'm excited to have found lightness again. The self-imposed burdens have been put down. My camera kit is leaner, built around purpose and what feels good to my eye and in my hands. There is meaning in what I see and in what I hope to discover in the days ahead.
Even archive images seem new again, like the one on top of the dude screaming down a mountain in a wild summer event in Crested Butte. I'm catching the same vibe.

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